Lush Hip Hop
Lush Hip Hop
Audentity Records presents: Lush Hip Hop, a production tool featuring a cluster of hip hop samples ready to be chopped, pitched and dropped in your sampler or DAW.
This new samplepack contains 130 quality samples & loops and 26 midis aimed at the large Hip Hop market.
As Hip Hop is the #1 genre worldwide, it is important for every hip hop producer to obtain great useful samples: no fillers, just winners.
Check out our Songstarter folder as well, this combines all our own fav loops and layered down for easy use.
Audentity Records introduces their new concept samplepacks: We improved the distribution of the included samples & loops, the content is now laid out in a more creatively way.
All chopped and processed, ready to be dropped in your DAW or samplers.
In detail, you can expect 256mb of content with all audio at 16Bit & 44KHZ.
The pack contains 12 Bassloops, 24 Drumloops, 10 Combo loops, 31 Melodic & Vocal Loops & 2 SFX,15 Instrumentals & 36 Drum One Shots & 26 Midis
As always, everything is 100% royalty free.
Lush Hip Hop Contains:
* 24 Melodic Loops
* 7 Vocal Loops
* 12 Bass Loops
* 2 SFX
* 24 Drumloops (no kick / kick)
* 10 Songstarters / Comboloops
* 15 Instrumental One Shots (synth & bass)
* 36 Drum One Shots (kicks, hats, snares)
* 26 Midis
* Total Files: 156
* 16Bit & 44KHZ
* 256mb
* Royalty Free